Four Major Problems of Living in a Compact and Tiny House


When you are on a budget or undergoing a severe financial crunch, living in a small space seems to be the only way out. Even if that is not the case, adopting a minimalist lifestyle and scaled-down both physically and financially can sound exciting and adventurous.

Of course, tiny living comes with its own perks. But adapting to a less than 500 square feet home may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Investing in a small, custom-built cabin is far more complicated than buying a large property; there are several drawbacks and countless obstacles.

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Following is the list of issues that arise when going small and thus, demands you to be well-prepared for.

  1. Tiny Consumption

Undoubtedly, tiny houses are sustainable housing options – there is lesser use of building materials, lower energy usage, and reduced environmental impact. However, living like that for the long-term isn’t that simple. There is a minimal area to store things that forces homeowners to resort to external storage space for items that cannot fit in. Besides, there is always an issue in incorporating additional favorite items. As a result, you have to either throw away or donate the older one to make a new place.

  1. Groundlessness

Small and tiny homes on wheels are both a blessing and a curse. Not having a solid, grounded foundation is a great option for some as it can be picked and moved wherever you wish to. However, for many, it is the biggest cause of worry and insecurity. The inhabitants often encounter their hood’s fragility and a strange sense of detachment from the Earth beneath. Due to that, there is always some discomfort hidden in them, no matter how beautifully crafted and customized their tiny home is.

  1. Parking Problems

A tiny home needs a place to park. So, in addition to the cost of building your tiny home, you need to invest inland. The twist here is, even a tiny lot in Ontario can cost you $150K-$200K, which in return makes you spend the same as would on a full-sized home. Besides, there are rules and laws that you always have to adhere to. Therefore, unless you have a sufficient garden space or idle property lot, going the tiny way may not prove to be as cost-effective as you want.

  1. Humidity and Mold Invasion

One of the main issues affecting compact and small houses is mold and other irritants triggered by improper indoor humidity levels. There is too much to address and prevent mold build-up. You have to spend sufficient time and effort building a good ventilation system and buying a few dehumidifiers. However, for a quick and efficient solution, you do have the assistance of mold specialists easily in the city. So, that can provide a sense of relief.